There was great excitement and some nervousness at the
opening of the pre-school which took place on the 1 st of
August 2022. Excitement, as it is something completely
different to what we are used to doing. But now we will
have an influence and ability to change and improve so
many more children’s lives than before.
Also, nervous for the unknown in terms of the funding as
this is a huge undertaking for Benjamin Generation as an
organisation. We currently have 50 children (2023) in our
grade RRR and RR classes. We look forward to growing to
meet the needs of the community.
In 2024, next year, we plan on adding on a grade RR class,
therefore increasing our school intake to close to 70.
Come on board and share this incredible journey with us.
Adopt a child to go to school. Any school donations
welcome whether in monetary terms or donating anything
preschool related.